Friday, January 28, 2011

Naming my Artist

I need a name that will suite the artists role. I researched unusual names as to ensure that my artist stands out, but then I realised the artists who are involved in the same genre dont always have extraordinary names because they believe they stand alone, whereas other artists create a stage name like 'Sasha Fierce' who is Beyonce's alter ego.
The names are:


I quite liked a few of these names, but to make a name final, I decided to mess around with some fonts on to see what name and style would go quite well on a poster/cd cover. I also decided to experiement with other types of font styles to keep my options open when choosing the image I want. I also took into account how artists have their own looks when having certain fonts on their covers after analysing, so I didnt want to choose a boring font which wouldn't stand out individually.

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